
 1300 736 883


Taking Care Of Your Guest’s Hygiene, The Planet & Your Bottom Line 

- One Mattress at a Time -

Healthy Sleep = 
Guest Satisfaction

For Hotels, positive guest feedback and guest satisfaction are key to a thriving business. Hotels are in the business of selling sleep and the more bums that are put on beds, the dirtier the bed becomes. The bed is the highest touch point for every single guest. Each guest is having to share the bed with the remnants of the previous guest’s DNA. Guests are at a heightened sense of hygiene alert after the pandemic of the last 2 years, which fed either their fears of hygiene or what they no expect as a way of protection. 

What if there was an opportunity to improve your guest’s hygiene by improving their sleeping conditions, your venue's carbon footprint, as well as your brand…..and potentially legitimately charge for it?

Your bed probably isn’t as clean as you think – a microbiologist explains
Your mattress is actually the dirtiest object in your bedroom
How Dirty Are Our Beds? A Microbiologist Explains How Germs Live on Mattresses

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Introducing  remUVe™

The Mobile Room To Room Medical UVC Mattress Disinfection Technology

We provide hotels with an opportunity to purchase a world leading hygiene delivery service that specifically targets the bed. The technology is used in other multi-used sleep facilities, such as Hospitals, Aged Care, Dormitories, Army Barracks and more, to ensure a healthier and more hygienic sleeping environment. 

The technology simply removes the dust and debris build up that is left from every person vacating the bed and then destroys the microbiological remnants associated with dead skin, sweat,  and other body fluids that are left at the source.